The Patton Faction

The Patton Faction

Fueled by the rage of terrible human beings ruining the lives of citizens around the Continent the exiled Patton Misnarge expands his revolution of Helman and sets his sights on the Continent as a whole.

Patton Misnarge

"Hey, no need to call me a prince anymore. I’m just the leader of a rebel army now."

The former Prince of the Helman Empire who lost their claim to the throne after a lost war against Leazas. He now leads the Helman Revolutionary Army, using the wisdom and connections he made in exile to make the most of his small force.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Spartan 4 6 8 6 4 4 3 7 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard+: Have a high chance to take damage in place of allies in your column.
  2. Guard Cancel: Remove any guard chance from the entire enemy team.
  3. Counterattack 2: Enemy takes significantly more damage when attacking this unit.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A unit that is strong enough and bulky enough that most melee units will die trying to beat him.

Hunty Kalar

"My thoughts about Patton aren't something people can understand."

A powerful mage that's taken care of Patton since birth, promising his mother to turn him into a great man.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Mage 3 4 6 9 8 7 6 3 3 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (1): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Low chances for each stat.
  2. Lightning: A magic attack that hits all enemy units regardless of position and guard.
  3. Large Lightning: An improved version of lightning that deals massive damage. Requires preparation.
  4. First Move: Unit will always be first in turn order.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Between first move, her ridiculous speed and intelligence stats and large lightning she can cripple if not outright wipe most enemy units.

Freak Paraffin

"Let's go."

A founding member of the Holy Magic Sect and mentor to M.M. Rune. A close friend to Hunty for several hundred years.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Mage 4 4 3 4 4 3 8 1 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (1): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Low chances for each stat.
  2. Black Fire: A magic attack that hits all enemy units regardless of position and guard.
  3. Remove Status (3): Remove all the buffs from up to four enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. While not the most useful or powerful unit he definitely has a lot of potential.

Hubert Lipton

"Got nothing to do with me being a knight. We're just old friends who've been together for a long time. I don't think of him as my lord, and he doesn't think of me as a faithful subject, either."

Patton's right hand man and son of Thoma, a Helman soldier who was the strongest man in the world while he lived. He wields a magical blade that scales to the user's fighting spirit.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 7 7 6 4 4 3 6 1 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Commander Charge: Deal damage based on commander stats followed by a normal attack.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Capable of taking and dealing a great deal of damage making him a great choice if Patton isn't available.

Shiela Helman

"Even if I'm only a decoration, I am still the Empress of Helman. It is my duty to fight for and protect the people. As an empress, as a citizen of this country, I will fight until the very end."

The "rightful" heir to the Helman Empire who's well known for her natural charisma, leading to her being beloved by the citizens of Helman.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Miko 4 5 3 6 3 0 4 2 0 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. S Healing: Greatly heals one ally, and restores an action flag when used on members of Rance's family.
  2. Fame Advertisement: If a unit gains affection points from a battle they'll get two instead of one.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A fairly average miko unit that lacks any immediately useful skills to help her stand out.

Sanada Tourin

"It is not death that I fear. I'm scared of abandoning my duty to protect the people and regretting my actions in the afterlife. Our lives are to be dedicated for the sake of the people."

Formerly a general of Nippon's now dissolved Takeda clan. He now fights for the Helman Revolutionary Army as an incredibly talented and capable tactician.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 3 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 3 Yes
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (3): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. High chances for each buff.
  2. Battle Rating Down (2): Lowers the enemy's morale significantly, making it easier to win a battle.
  3. Intelligence Luck: Chance of starting a battle with a buff to intelligence.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Using his skills effectively can allow just about any set of units to steamroll the enemy.

Potauf Tokrev

Patton's body double to distract Helman's army from the real movements of the Helamn Revolutionary Army.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Miko 3 3 8 3 2 3 2 6 1 No
    Special Skills
  1. Healthy Body: Halves the cost of replenishing troops.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. He's a decoy here just like he is in Rance IX. Even then he has some hidden uses outside of being a flesh wall.

Bintan Desutora

A monster tamer in the Helman Revolutionary Army.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 3 6 4 5 5 6 1 2 No
    Special Skills
  1. Light Attack: Deal low damage and increase the change of the enemy unit being captured.
  2. Defeated Warrior Hunt: Enemy units are more likely to be captured when defeated.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. An effective unit for capturing enemy units and not much else.


Former capitain of the Helman 1st Army under Lelyukov Berkov.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Foodsoldier 3 4 5 4 5 2 4 6 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard+: Have a high chance to take damage in place of allies in your column.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Ally Guard+ helps him be slightly bulkier than the average footsoldier.


A soldier in the Helman Revolutionary Army.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Warrior 4 5 4 3 5 6 2 4 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Side Attack: Attack without taking counterattack damage.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Side Attack makes him good for lowering the effectiveness of enemy units like footsoldiers and warriors without hurting his troop count.

Samson Maximov

A guard and rather reclusive man who spends his free time training in the mountains.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Foodsoldier 5 6 5 4 4 6 2 4 2 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your column
  2. Guard Break: Deal damage that ignores the damage reduction from guard.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A footsoldier unit with the added bonus of being able to effectively damage other footsoldiers.


A Helman soldier with a particular distaste for devils.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Ninja 3 6 5 5 5 3 7 4 2 No
    Special Skills
  1. Ninja Snipe: Deal damage to an enemy regardless of position. Does massive damage to enemy ninja units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Considering the frankly ridiculous amount of ninja units in Helman, Ninja Snipe is actually really useful.

Tolstoy Bato

A Helman soldier devoted to his family and country.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Footsoldier 3 3 6 5 4 3 1 5 2 No
    Special Skills
  1. Bow Attack+: Deal damage to an enemy regardless of position. Stronger than Bow Attack.
  2. Ally Guard: Have a chance to take damage in place of allies in your column.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. A footsoldier with access ti a ranged attack. While unique, it's not especially useful, since his focus as a footsolder is using Ally Guard.


A soldier in the Helman Revolutionary Army.

Class Actions Attack Defense Intelligence Speed Search Negotiation Construction Cost Essential
Tactician 4 4 5 6 4 4 6 2 0 No
    Special Skills
  1. Battle Strategy (2): Add a random set of buffs to every unit on your side. Medium chances for each stat.
  2. Remove Status (3): Remove all the buffs from up to four enemy units.
    Gameplay Tips
  1. Remove Status (3) is excellent for debuffing the fiends that will immenently attack you if you play Patton.